Download Pocket Launcher
Download the fully-featured commercial demo of Pocket Launcher for
evaluation purposes.
NOTE: This evaluation version will timeout in 30 days.

PocketLauncher3.exe (1.9M) - Pocket Launcher 3.2 for Pocket PC

PocketLauncher3SP.exe (1.0M) - Pocket Launcher 3.2 for Smartphone
Pocket Launcher Background Pack - a collection of useful backgrounds for Pocket Launcher (35K) - Pocket Launcher background pack
Background Expansion Pack #2 - a huge collection of backgrounds by Jason Dunn (867K) - preview
Bo's Wallpapers - a nice collection of original photography turned into 240x320 backgrounds
Bo's Backgrounds
Installation Instructions
Save the EXE file to a temporary directory and run it with your mobile
device connected. Installation will be completely automatic (after
agreeing to the end-user licence agreement) and a shortcut will
be placed in your Start Menu.